171 Mitchell Street, Oswego, NY
Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday from 10 AM – 3 PM, other days by appointment only
Pets Are Essential Too Photo Contest
Show us how your pet has done in this very strange year by entering their photo into our Pets Are Essential Too Photo Contest.
Have there been a lot of naps on the couch? New toys? Socially distanced walks? No question that our pets have helped us this year and this can be your way of showing them off! Your pet’s entry and any votes received on your pet’s page will go right to work helping the Oswego County Humane Society rescue and find homes for pets in Oswego County, keep the Pet Food Pantry supplied for families with pets having a hard time, and keep our spay/neuter clinic for cats in low income families running safely.
Plus, it is something fun do in this very hard time!
But First: Your Pet and COVID-19
We know that pet owners are concerned about COVID-19, and we want to ensure that pet owners are up-to-date with the current information regarding their pet’s well-being. It is rare, but there have been cases of people infected with COVID-19 then infecting other animals. For more information on COVID-19 and your pets, please visit www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/daily-life-coping/animals.html
You can help pets and win great prizes!
Photo Contest Prizes
(To be determined from the number of votes cast for each pet.)
Grand Prize Winner
Grand Prize Winner, will receive a gift certificate for a professional pet photo session with Nature’s Palette Photography Art. naturespalettephotographyart.com.
The Top Dog, Cat, and Other Critters
The top Dog, Cat, and Other Critters winners (after the Grand Prize Winner is determined) will each receive a personalized canvas Tote Bag with the photos of the four top winners.
Additional Prizes
New This Year!
Throughout the contest, celebrity judges will award special prizes to their favorite entries. (These special awards do not depend on the numbers of votes.)