The Oswego County Humane Society has temporarily put a hold on adding new clients to our Spay/Neuter Clinic waitlist until our clinic is up and running again.
The Spay and Neuter Incentive Program provides qualified pet owners with spay/neuter services for their pet cats at a reduced cost.
What is Spay / Neuter?
Spaying (for females) and neutering (for males) are surgical procedures performed by veterinarians that render cats and dogs incapable of breeding by removing their reproductive organs.
What is included?
All animals receive:
- Spay or neuter surgery with anesthesia and pain medicine
- Rabies and distemper vaccinations (required unless proof of up to date vaccination is provided)
- Brief physical exam
- Nail trim
- Ear cleaning
- Topical 30-day Flea treatment
Cats must be:
- Males, at least 4 months old
- Females, at least 5 months old
- All cats at least 4 pounds
- In good health — Our veterinarians reserve the rite to decline any cat for surgery based on medical or behavioral findings upon physical exam.
What about dogs?
The Oswego County Humane Society is unable to provide surgical services for dogs at its spay/neuter clinic. Call us, however, for information about other low cost spay/neuter options for pet dogs.
SNIP Fees:
- Female spay: $60.00 / cat
- Male neuter: $50.00 / cat
Program Qualifications: Pet owners must fall under one of the following criteria
- Receive public assistance (NYS TAP, SNAP, HEAP, DSS, SSI, SSDI, unemployment, disability, Medicaid)
- Household income below 2022-2023 HUD income guidelines
- Full-time independent college student
- Active duty or veteran of the U.S. military
General Information
- Services are provided by appointment only at the OCHS Office at 171 Mitchell Street, Oswego, NY 13126.
- Clinics are scheduled mostly on Saturdays every month, however not every week.
- Same-day service: Drop off between 8:30 a.m. – 10:00 a.m. Then, we will call you 4-5 hours later to pick up your pet.
- No pre-surgical or follow-up clinic appointments are needed.
Please contact the Oswego County Humane Society if you have additional questions or need to schedule an appointment.
Why Spay / Neuter?
- Spay / neuter will increase your dog’s or cat’s chance of a longer, healthier life by reducing the risk of cancer.
- Spaying / neutering your pet makes him/her a better pet, reducing his/her urge to roam, spray or mark, or to have aggressive behavior.
- One unaltered dog or cat and his/her offspring can produce thousands of puppies / kittens in a lifetime.
- There are more cats and dogs than available homes. Spay / neuter ensures that your pet will not contribute to the high number of pets in shelters each year.
Spay / Neuter FAQ
- Should I still spay / neuter if my dog or cat is always indoors?
- Yes! When an animal is in heat, they follow their natural instincts and can escape from your home/leash to gain access to other animals.
- Will it change my cat’s or dog’s personality?
- No, your pet may be less likely to exhibit certain behaviors like humping, spraying / marking, aggression, and roaming, but his/her personality will not change.
- Shouldn’t I allow my female pet to have one litter before spaying?
- No, this is a myth! Animals who are spayed before their first heat are typically healthier.
The Oswego County Humane Society’s programs and services have eligibility requirements. While these programs aim to keep people and their pets together, they are also designed to help and assist and not to provide long term continuous service. Staff, volunteers and others associated with the organization will not tolerate aggressive, threatening behavior from the public and reserve the right to deny services at any time.